Brain Yusem | Exercise Advice for the Beginner

The strongest advice that can be given to the beginner is to exercise often. Many people state that maximum benefits are obtained by exercising three times a week, an hour each session. But that can be misleading. People that are moderately fit can deal well with such a schedule, but not the beginner. Beginners should not exercise for an hour without stopping. And they shouldn't limit their sessions to three times a week. Instead, they should exercise three or more times each day, for fifteen to twenty minutes each session. The beginning exerciser's body isn't used to exercise. Limiting exercise sessions to three or four times a day for fifteen minutes a day will eliminate that "exhausted" feeling. Exercise isn't good for you if you are so exhausted you can't move afterward. Is it better to exercise in the morning or in the evening? Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning are less likely to quit than those who exercise in...